South African Health Promotion Policy & Strategy 2015-19

Click here to download the SA Health Promotion Policy & Strategy 2015-19 (HPP&S 15-19)screencapture-file-C-Users-Vix-Desktop-pdf-20new-doh-20promotion-20policy-20and-20strategy-20national-20health-20promotion-20strategy-202015-2019-pdf-1440616259975
46 pages. Date of publication:  unknown


1.To enable South African to increase control over and improve its own health using the PHC approach, which is multidisciplinary in nature;
2.To provide guidelines to support actions at appropriate levels that will advance the aims and objectives of the health promotion policy;
3.To promote a holistic approach to health by:

  • Focus on the link between health promotion and the determinants of health
  •  Emphasise inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion interventions;
  • Outline health promotion activities in various settings; and
  • Specifying strategic indicators to be monitored


Target audiences

The HPP&S 15-19 identifies key target audiences across the life cycle for health promotion interventions (→ focus on)

  • Children < 5 years →  promoting better health;
  • Women of child bearing age → creating awareness on services available;
  • Men → promoting a change in gender norms and values by encouraging broader involvement in health issues;
  • Youth → addressing risky behaviour and promoting healthy lifestyle practices;
  • Older people → community-based programmes and support groups to promote regular health and self-management of NCDs;
  • Marginalised populations → specific health needs.



12.2 Financial Resources (page 26)

The successful implementation of the health promotion programme requires sustained and dedicated financial resources. The allocation of resources should be based on the principles of redress and equity. The current financial resources limits the implementation of health promotion strategies that are known to increase awareness on critical health issues and impact upon on social and behavioural changes that promote health and well being.

Civil society role – key partners (page 29-30)

  • Developing and promoting frameworks for health promotion interventions
  • Strengthening partnerships with community structures and civil society  for health campaigns
  • Supporting PHC Ward-Based Outreach Teams to implement health promotion programmes with activities to develop:
      -a package of  service delivery of health promotion services
    -tools to assess and promote community mobilisation.
  • Improving health literacy.

Sick report card for SA kids and activity? Change in 2015

Who is to blame and who will fix it?

It is hard to hold our kids fully responsible for this poor result. Turn off the TVs and get them avitality report card kids physical activityctive. Our kids are spending about 3 hours a day in front of the TV (sedentary behaviours rated F)

  • B for government measures to combat physical inactivity
  • C sports participation and transportation
  • D overall physical activity levels
  • D physical education
  • D school environment
  • D community and built environment

Click here to read the full Discovery Vitality Healthy Active Kids South Africa Report Card 2014

Does Volunteering and Community Involvement Reduce NCDs Risk In Older Adults?

Existing evidence supports the notion that making a contribution to the community is good us and for older people in particular. Evidence come mainly from self-reported studies. But what if it actually has physical benefits like lowering inflammatory levels that are linked to NCDs?

This is just what Kim and Ferraro in The Gerontologist investigated – the link between productive activity and reduced inflammation in later life. In addition to the usual self-reported measures like feelings of value and depression, a biomarker of inflammation, C-reactive protein (CRP), was measured via a blood test.
Let’s back up a step or two so we can clarify terms here. A productive activity = a paid or unpaid action that makes a contribution to the life of the community. Examples are employment, volunteering, caregiving and other forms of social participation for the greater good.

CRP is linked to inflammation and modifiable risk factors such as smoking, obesity and physical activity. An increased CRP may be an indicator CVD and future health problems.
The results indicate that community engagement as measure by productive activity, especially volunteerism, is associated with a lower CRP.

Of course, there are all kinds of cautions attached to the finding: doesn’t apply to those in care facilities, overdoing it may be bad etc. However, the intriguing question remains: Are we hard wired to serve because it is actually good for our health?
Read more and decide for yourself.

Five Tips to staying healthy and lowering your NCD risk.

  1. Reduce your salt intake.

Why is a high salt intake so bad for you? A high intake of salt puts you a twice the risk of developing high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Salt is an important part of your diet, but as with all things in moderation. Salt or sodium regulates the water content in your body, as well as send electrical information in the nervous system. The WHO recommends a daily intake of 5g and (teaspoon per day). South Africans on average consume twice that per day.


  1. Eat a healthier meal.

Each time you have a meal do you take stock of what makes up your plate. You are what you eat. This will help to promote a healthy body and life style. Eating better can give you more energy and reduce risks of NCDs in the long term.


  1. Cut unhealthy habits

There are many unhealthy habits that are extremely bad for your health and directly related to increasing your NCDs risks. Smoking is one of the worst things you could do for your health. Smoking increases your risk of heart problems, increased blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, and breathing problems. This also includes hookahs or bubbly’s.

Reduce your alcohol intake. Not drinking is the best possible health choice. The smartest choice you can make is to drink responsibly and not to use it in excess.


  1. Get physical

Get active and get exercising. Data suggests that 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity on five or more days per week helps to prevent weight gain and obesity.  Get your heart pumping, and your breathing up. Not only will you feel better – you will improve your health. The positive gains include mental health, stronger heart, healthier lungs, better blood flow, and weight loss. That final one is most likely the biggest motivator to most though you can prolong your life and reduce your risk as well.


  1. Reduce Sugar Intake

Everything these days seems to have sugar added to it. Sugar, like salt, is needed in your body but in moderation and extremely bad for you in excess. High sugar intake is directly linked to weight gain and this leads to type 2 diabetes and heart problems. There are good sugars like those found in natural fruits and vegetables, which are totally fine for the body. Then there are the bad sugars – the added in sugars found in many processed foods and sweetened drinks. Watch how much sugar you take in each day. The WHO suggests 25g (6 teaspoons) per day for a healthy normal weight adult. A can of your favourite soft drink contains around 9 teaspoons in a 340ml can.
