3rd NCDs+ National Strategic Plan 2022-2027 published 31 May 22
There is a newer Final version that is availaborl
Erratum figure 6 Group I conditions 23.7% Communicable Diseases 21.4% Maternal Neonatal Deaths 2% Nutritional 0.3%
NDoH “Implementation” Review of 2nd NCDs NSP 2013-2017
The NCDs National Strategic Plan 2013-2017 is also known as the 2nd NCDs NSP. It was reviewed in 2018 by a WHO country office contracted consultant on behalf of the NDoH.
It is grandiosely called The “Implementation Review of the NCDs NSP 2013-2017” The title is a farce since this plan was never implemented and unfunded. The review is supposed to imply an authentic evaluation of the plan, processes and outcomes. It does nothing of the sort
The WHO consultant Mel Freeman was also the NDoH official responsible for the development and implementation of the 2nd NCDs NSP during his tenure as Chief Director, NCDs
NDOH implementation review 2NN 2018 aug
2021-22 Health Budget
The Health Budget usually leaves NCDs with less rather than more.
Further analysis to follow. For this financial year NCDs stays alongside communicable diseases in Programme 3.
NCDs policy timeline 2011-21
The timeline on NCDs policy development since 2011 with global and national contextual indicators.
Its purpose is to show progress on policy developments and will be used as the basis for an advocacy tool.
Please make your input and let us have feedback.
NCDs integrated persons centred health servicies
Most of the South African health services are provided in siloes contrary to the sustainable development agenda. This document shows civil society’s vision of integrated care to the NDoH Technical Committee. It highlights integrated care is a multi-dimensional continuum and stacked with multiple axes.The focus is on “all of society” and “all of government. ”