Every year The Migraine Trust promotes Migraine Awareness Week to raise general awareness of migraine as a serious public health issue and to reduce stigma.

Migraine affects 1 in 7 people, that’s over eight million people in the United Kingdom alone, making it more prevalent than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined.  The World Health Organisation recognises migraine as one of the most disabling lifetime conditions yet awareness and understanding is low.

Migraine is a complex neurological disorder with no known cause or cure.  Unfortunately many people will suffer from migraine for years throughout their life negatively impacting upon their work, family and social lives.

The Migraine Trust is planning to highlight a number of key issues about migraine during this year’s Migraine Awareness Week.  We will deliver these messages and provide information on action people can take during the week via our website and ebulletin, and social media profiles.