COVID-19 “adjusted” Phase 2 vaccine rollout 5 July 2021

COVID-19 “adjusted” Phase 2 vaccine rollout 5 July 2021

The NDoH official policy communication on vaccination 5 July outlines how the adjusted vaccination rollout. It differs from the original PHASE 2 rollout hence the use of “adapted.” It is not explicitly linked to phase 2 but it is hard to see where else it fits.  Missing are those with comorbidities like NCDs, including diabetes and cancer.

1.4 Every vaccination site (public or private) must have a pro-active plan for managing walkins for vaccination.


  • Age group (+40) and congregate responsibilities government supported by private ;
  • Essential workers according to government sector “vertical” rollout
  • Workers by priority “economic” sector (mining, automotive industry, taxi operators) rollout via companies. Not clear if limited to the above sectors.
  • A general caveat about using EVDS to register all who are vaccinated.
  1. NDoH & provincial DOH (PDoH) collaboration with private sector responsibilities

    1.1 Vaccination registration & administration by age groups (5 subpoints around EVDS and reimbursement).
    1.2 Working group 1: capacity analysis including underserved areas for the attention of PDoH, presumably with the prospect of solving problems (members NDoH/Business for SA).
    1.3 Working group 2: NDoH equity monitor of demand in districts/municipalities to resolve coverage issues & look at rollout to 40+.
    1.4 Walkins are OK & every vaccination site (public or private) must have a pro-active plan for walkins.  (6 subpoints)
    1.5 Congregate settings: homes for people with disabilities, old age homes and later on prisons (correctional facilities) remains PDoH / privates sector responsibility.

Roll-out of essential worker programme public sector

2.1  “Vertical” rollout with key government “sector” “projects” departments (9 subgroups)
2.2  PDoH not responsible for the above except “DBE project and around 220,000 people from 6 categories.
2.3  Vaccination of remaining health care workers (HCWs) according to V4HCW registration site and these also include “private employers.”  (5 items)
2.4  Police (SAPS) is managing its own vaccination project.
2.5 Department of Defence and Military Veterans for the SANDF programme due to start on 8 July.
2.6 A number of government services still to be finalisied e.g. correctional services vaccination.

3 Prioritised sectors of the economy

3.1  President listed these previously mining, automotive manufacturing and taxi operators.
3.2  Many private sector companies have started vaccination of employees and contract workers.
3.3  Companies using in-house or outsourced health services.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

4  EVDS-related issues

Four caveats about the importance of registering via EVDS in all circumstances.