South African Health Promotion Policy & Strategy 2015-19

Click here to download the SA Health Promotion Policy & Strategy 2015-19 (HPP&S 15-19)screencapture-file-C-Users-Vix-Desktop-pdf-20new-doh-20promotion-20policy-20and-20strategy-20national-20health-20promotion-20strategy-202015-2019-pdf-1440616259975
46 pages. Date of publication:  unknown


1.To enable South African to increase control over and improve its own health using the PHC approach, which is multidisciplinary in nature;
2.To provide guidelines to support actions at appropriate levels that will advance the aims and objectives of the health promotion policy;
3.To promote a holistic approach to health by:

  • Focus on the link between health promotion and the determinants of health
  •  Emphasise inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating health promotion interventions;
  • Outline health promotion activities in various settings; and
  • Specifying strategic indicators to be monitored


Target audiences

The HPP&S 15-19 identifies key target audiences across the life cycle for health promotion interventions (→ focus on)

  • Children < 5 years →  promoting better health;
  • Women of child bearing age → creating awareness on services available;
  • Men → promoting a change in gender norms and values by encouraging broader involvement in health issues;
  • Youth → addressing risky behaviour and promoting healthy lifestyle practices;
  • Older people → community-based programmes and support groups to promote regular health and self-management of NCDs;
  • Marginalised populations → specific health needs.



12.2 Financial Resources (page 26)

The successful implementation of the health promotion programme requires sustained and dedicated financial resources. The allocation of resources should be based on the principles of redress and equity. The current financial resources limits the implementation of health promotion strategies that are known to increase awareness on critical health issues and impact upon on social and behavioural changes that promote health and well being.

Civil society role – key partners (page 29-30)

  • Developing and promoting frameworks for health promotion interventions
  • Strengthening partnerships with community structures and civil society  for health campaigns
  • Supporting PHC Ward-Based Outreach Teams to implement health promotion programmes with activities to develop:
      -a package of  service delivery of health promotion services
    -tools to assess and promote community mobilisation.
  • Improving health literacy.