NCDs integrated persons centred health servicies

Most of the South African health services are provided in siloes contrary to the sustainable development agenda. This document shows civil society’s vision of integrated care to the NDoH Technical Committee. It highlights integrated care is a multi-dimensional continuum and stacked with multiple axes.The focus is on “all of society” and “all of government. ”

#EnoughNCDs campaign targeting the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs 2018

In September 2018 the United Nations High-Level Meeting  on NCDs (UN HLM NCDs) takes place. People around the world are joining together to say: “We have had #EnoughNCDs and action is needed. Now!”

The SANCDA joins the global campaign convened by NCD Alliance together with our global network of people and organizations. We demand that our government prioritize NCDs as they have promised to do since 2011. So we are calling for governments to act going into the UN HLM NCDs.
This is what we are asking for as South Africans:

1. Put people first – you and me who live every day with NCDs.
2. Boost NCD investment so that empty promises stop and there is NCDs action.
3. Step up action on childhood obesity but don’t forget to beat childhood malnutrition in all of its forms.
4. Adopt smart fiscal policies that promote health and then put some money into NCDs prevention and treatment.
5. Save lives through equitable access to NCDs treatment through universal health coverage (NHI).
6. Improve government accountability to the people for progress, results and resources.

Please join us! You can show your support  for the cause by championing a leader or personality who will support the fight against NCDs. Please contact us with your ideas and suggestions. We would love to hear from you. requests. For further information please checkin the  back with the SANCDA  for more on the movement and campaign as it progresses.




Thumbs up on national cancer control plan inclusivity

Thumbs up to the NCDs cluster of the National Department of Health (NDoH) for its responsiveness to stakeholder recommendations. The draft cancer plan, National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Cancer 2015 – 2020 (NCCP) is being reviewed by multisector – all of society stakeholder meeting early next month. Click here to review this draft.

Feedback from stakeholders on the 2014 a draft NCCP made it clear that more consultation was needed. The initial stakeholder meeting to its content (organisational structure) and process of development (planning process) in Pretoria on 6 February 2015.

The aims of the meeting include:

  • Identifying priorities in cancer prevention and control;
  • Setting goals and objectives;
  • Setting strategies for intervention;
  • Setting processes and timelines to achieve a final draft.


Professor Melvyn Freeman and the cluster team are to be congratulated on the transparent and inclusive step. The 1999 NCCP needs urgent revision to provide an integrated, comprehensive people-centered plan for South Africa. The new plan must take into account:

  • changing demographic and epidemiological trends
  • global and national targets
  • the health and developmental agendas.

For more information contact Elmie Engelbrecht at [email protected]

Click here to download the revised draft outline for consideration.

Patient-centred cancer care (PCCC) 7 building blocks

7 PCCC building blocks revPatient- or person-centred care is the next paradigm shift in healthcare systems strengthening and it has the power to change lives. It shows the way to integrated NCDs care.

Understand more about PCCC by watching this series of 4 videos.

The 7 PCCC building blocks were developed by the LIVESTRONG Foundation has published the outcome of a symposium on patient-centred cancer care. It research list 7 key building block that can be utilised to deliver cancer care across a variety of settings.

Click here to download the PCCC report.



Chronic Care Model/ Self-management /Patient centred care

Where is South African in its response to person-centred NCDs care?

 The national Department of Health is putting its money and credibility behind its Integrated Chronic Disease Management (ICDM) Model with little consultation. (Integrated Chronic Disease Management: A step by step manual to guide implementation. Undated. Authors Dr Shaidah Asmall and Dr Ozayrprinciples of person centred care Mahomed). This ICDM model is also cited as being integral to the NCD Strategic Plan.

The SA NCD Alliance is putting forward two key aspects that are import for patients, people living with NCDs. These are


•             SELF-MANAGEMENT (not assisted)

What is person-centred care?

A person-centred health system is one that supports people to make informed decisions about, and to successfully manage, their own health and care, able to make informed decisions and choose when to invite others to act on their behalf. This requires healthcare services to work in partnership to deliver care responsive to people’s individual abilities, preferences, lifestyles and goals.

The goal of person-centred care is to allow the patient to successfully manage their own health care – self-management. Self-management is one of the pillars for high quality care in the US Institute of Medicine’s definition.

Self management support is the job of the health care system it is fundamental and not an added extra. It is provided through graded active support.

There has be little or no consultation by the Department of Health with patients or patient group or caregivers about these matters. So we are putting up two references that back their importance.

Self management supportcan be viewed in two ways: as a portfolio of techniques and tools that help patients choose healthy behaviours; and a fundamental transformation of the patient-caregiver relationship into a collaborative partnership.”

Bodenheimer T, MacGregor K, Shafiri C (2005). Helping Patients Manage Their Chronic Conditions. California: California Healthcare Foundation
Further information on self management support can be found at

The 2 resources listed below are very informative:

The Theory and evidence behind self management.  Slide presentation by Natalie Grazin, Assistant Director of The Health Foundation

A particularly important slide set that integrated the chronic care from the perspective of the patient – person living with an NCD.  It highlights how much change is necessary to implement such a model in current most chronic care settings.

Helping measure person-centred care A review of evidence about commonly used approaches and tools used to help measure person-centred care 2014 The Health Foundation: London by Dr Debra de Silva

This is an easy to ready snapshot of person-centred care with showing tools that can be used to measure different aspects of self-management.