The Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill, 2018 (Tobacco Control Bill) has reached the Cabinet which is a milestone in its passage into law. Here is the update on the progress to enact the Tobacco Control Bill
- The 1st pre-Cabinet Committee (Technical Working Committee) recommended the Bill to the next committee.
- The 2nd pre-Cabinet Committee of the Deputy Director Generals of the 18 national departments in the Social Cluster recommended the Bill progress.
- Following the 1 August 2022 NDOH presentation of the Bill to the Forum of the Directors-Generals (FOSAD) approved the Bill to be considered by the Cabinet.
Although much remains to be done in Cabinet and Parliament (National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces) before the Bill is enacted, progress at FOSAD is a milestone. The progress also highlightsthe important roles the various stakeholders play.
Yesterday the American Lung Association warned that e-cigarettes are not safe and can cause irreversible lung damage and disease.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US says that more than 450 cases of severe lung disease linked to the use of e-cigarettes have been reported. Symptoms include breathing difficulties, shortness of breath and sometimes chest pain before patients were hospitalized. Other symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea and fatigue, while in hospital, patients experience pneumonia and respiratory failure.
The US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) has collected 120 samples to try and identify the chemical that is the
cause of the illnesses. The chemical samples collected include nicotine, cannabinoids, additives, and pesticides.
The CDC has asked the public to stop using
e-cigarettes because of these cases of severe illness that they are seeing. We
There is plenty of evidence already to show
that e-cigarettes are harmful. With these deaths, we are seeing new levels of
E-cigarettes are being used in South Africa
without any information about what’s in the liquid they are buying. There is
also no health warning or information about the likely impact of using
e-cigarettes on the product. The lack of regulation of e-cigarettes in South
Africa has resulted in a proliferation of outlets selling these products
without providing this basic information to users.
The Draft Tobacco Bill released for public comment in over a year ago in 2018, includes the regulation of e-cigarettes. The Bill has not yet been passed. We urge government to pass the Bill urgently so that the sale of e-cigarettes can be regulated. Lives are at stake!
We recommend that smokers who would like to
stop smoking avoid the use of e-cigarettes, and instead speak to a doctor or
pharmacist about other ways to stop smoking, including nicotine replacement
The National Council Against Smoking runs a telephone counselling quitline (011 7203145) where smokers can get advice and support to help them stop smoking. CANSA has an online support site to help smokers to stop.