NCDs+ Blog

About Me

 Dr. Vicki Pinkney Atkinson

Vicki is the CEO of the SANCDA+ and writes the blog in her personal capacity as a person living with nearly 20 NCDs+ some since birth.

vicki nsp

Tribute to Dr Vicki Pinkney Atkinson

The NCD community together with local and global stakeholders are shocked and heartbroken by the passing of Dr Vicki Pinkney-Atkinson, Director of...
Insulin in the time of Covid-19

Insulin in the time of Covid-19

It is our third week of hosting the #diabetes helpline. One clear message is that access to #insulin and other supplies are problematic in the public sector for those with #type1diabetes or #type2diabetes. Insulin is injected and must be administered as prescribed and...

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NCDs cause most disability in South Africa

NCDs cause most disability in South Africa

The leading cause of disablity in South Africa is hardly a surprise, HIV/AIDS. And, the good news is that there is a 10% reduction compared to 2007.But what this image shows is that NCDs (the blue dots) remain the largest group illnesses to cause disability...

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Comment on NCDs policy draft concept note April 2019

An NCDs concept note, that is set to inform the expired national NCDs policy, is up for comment following a stakeholder consultation in April 2019. Its purpose is to frame and inform South African NCDs policy for the next 5 years. It is the first policy developed in...

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NCDs insanity – rewriting health policy

The South African elections are over, and it is back to business. It needs to be business as unusual in the case of NCDs prevention and management. Business as unusual? Einstein characterised insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different...

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NCDs lives matter: election 2019

Grand corruption, slow transformation and poor governance dominates the election rhetoric. A health system that fails the people does not feature often. If health gets on the agenda what dominates is back slapping about the 5 million people on HIV treatment, not the...

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MY SOUL HAS A HAT   I counted my years & realized that I have Less time to live by, Than I have lived so far.   I feel like a child who won a pack of candies: at first he ate them with pleasure But when he realized that there was little left, he began to...

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